Archive for July, 2015

Distribution Mistakes Every Marketer Should Know and Avoid

In a world where everything comes easily, problems in delivery are not only costly in terms of logistics, but also in depressed sales. The average computer user will only wait 2 seconds before leaving a web-page which loads too slowly. While we would wait longer than that for a product to be delivered, we can learn from the web that customers are incredibly impatient. Waiting for lines, products to be delivered, and even...

The Secret to Great Service

Ever had a bad experience with a specific company? Maybe those salesmen from company XYZ do not stop harassing you, or maybe you had to be transferred 7 times over a two week period to cancel a service. The word service itself has bad connotations with many people. Why would someone contact customer service? To complain. When do you bring up the service at a restaurant or cafe? Often, it is because you were unsatisfied w...
