Religion in my Family
Growing up, I was not religious. I lived in a small town in Malaysia where religion was just not a big aspect of life. It just wasn't brought up. I knew...
Growing up, I was not religious. I lived in a small town in Malaysia where religion was just not a big aspect of life. It just wasn't brought up. I knew...
I took my first dive into religion after I moved to Louisiana. All of our family friends were fanatically religious (compared to people in everywhere else I've lived...
I think I chose Buddhism because my mother was one. She wasn't particularly religious at the time, opting to join our community gatherings at the church and indulg...
College, I'm sure many would agree- is a very liberating and exciting time. Never in my life have I met so much diversity in tho...
I once read a joke that Christians and Atheists are not really that different. Out of over 6000 gods worshiped in human history, Christians don't believe in 5999 of them. At...
In a world full of evil and tragedy, even if I knew that any god exists- he/she must not be benevolent. Therefore, he is not worth worshiping and by principle nobody should ...
The second major reason for disbelief is the complete lack of hard evidence. The idea of the “god of the gaps” is a compelling one. What we see is that were science sheds k...
Another reason I doubt the truth behind every religion is that there is a personal convenience to it which makes believing beneficial.
Religion serves as a convenient tool not just for the individual, but also those in power. It is easier to unify a population if there are shared values and interests. This i...
These four main arguments form the basis of why I believe religion (and specifically Christianity) is man-made rather than a divine truth. I do not believe everyone should be an atheist. Many are not ready, and there are very good use cases for individuals and groups which are better off religious. I write this essay instead both to explain why I am not religious, as well as provide an alternative t...