Posts Tagged ‘Advertising’

Conducting Kick-ass Marketing: Why Advertising is Here to Stay

Advertising Communications Advertising communications is the love-child of marketing. It is heralded as the benchmark of success as an organisation: if you are able to put out an ad on a billboard, radio station, or television channel, your company is a big player. Besides the enormous cost most advertising communications require, is this respect founded? While many would define “advertising” as any sort of promotiona...

Show & Tell: Effective Direct Communications Strategies for Marketers

Direct Communications Direct communications pertains to any communications which occurs directly between a consumer and the company. Unlike advertising, there is no media channel separating the business from the consumer. Unlike publicity, it is not used to drive conversations customers have with each other. Unlike digital communications, direct communications does not need to occur through the use of technologies. Direc...

How to Communicate Effectively as a Marketer

Communication involves sending a message. Marketing communications includes every interaction where a message or meaning is shared between the company and a targeted audience. Reviewing the Marketing Atom framework, we see that there are four segments to this: direct communications, advertising communications, digital communications, and publicity communications. Within these, it is important to note that communication type...

How NOT to Piss off Your Customers: Designing Great Customer Service

While there are many dangers and pitfalls of providing bad service, how can great service be achieved? Great experiences come from companies and employees who truly understand what it means to have an interaction with a customer. Humans are judgemental bastards. As a man, if I show up to a speech in a dress, I will probably lose all the reputation and respect I have built over the years. As an author, include one spellin...

Can you believe the McWhopper? Burger King & McDonald’s Big New Idea.

Marketing is usually a dog-eat-dog world. It's all about "I'm better than you!" and "oh yeah? Well you don't have this feature." Of the notable bitter rivalries which exist, none is more instantly recognisable than Burger King and McDonalds. Whether you're loving it how it is or want to have it your way, the two restaurant chains just can not seem to get along. That is... until today.

What is the purpose of marketing?

A common misconception is that all marketing aims to do is get the customer to buy a product. This is so off the mark that every time someone brings it up a little piece of my soul dies. Let me give an example of why. As you stroll down the mall you are stopped by a salesman. While you are annoyed, you are polite and let us say that you listen to what they have to offer. Let us say for the example that using cunning,...

Advertising Failure: Why Context is so so important.

Topshop/Topman is a prestigious fashion retailer for women and men. They are an international brand, with stores across Australia and Melbourne. Advertising is a tricky art- and there are so many necessary considerations. Every medium is different, and must be used carefully to optimise branding. Last week while in the city, I had the (un)fortunate experience of coming across one of their tram ads. This is attached...
