Posts Tagged ‘brand’

How to Create a Memorable and Attractive Brand

What is a brand? The brand is the singular most important aspect in Marketing. Because of it’s significance, there are hundreds of approaches in how to define, build, and maintain a brand. No matter what line of business you are in, or how established you are- you have a brand, and understanding this is important. Imagine a child sets up a road-side stall selling lemonade. The only signage she has ...

What is the purpose of marketing?

A common misconception is that all marketing aims to do is get the customer to buy a product. This is so off the mark that every time someone brings it up a little piece of my soul dies. Let me give an example of why. As you stroll down the mall you are stopped by a salesman. While you are annoyed, you are polite and let us say that you listen to what they have to offer. Let us say for the example that using cunning,...

Hermione Granger: Personal Branding Done Right

Emma Watson, as she mentions herself, is someone we associate with Hermione Granger…. “that harry potter girl”. With Hermione Granger, however, comes intelligence, compassion, and determination to do what is right. This is what makes her so attractive and powerful, and this is also why her position as the U.N. global goodwill ambassador for women is perfect. Many of you may already have seen her speech recently. Many blo...
