Posts Tagged ‘Cause Related Marketing’

How to Market Without Spending Money: Publicity Communications

Publicity Communications Publicity communications regards any promotion which relies on word of mouth. With the exception of donations, sponsorships, and other costs, there are no fees or payment required for this kind of exposure. This type of communication does not require use of the Internet, thus it differs from digital communications. As it does not rely on directly speaking with customers, it is not direct either. ...

Google: a fighter for freedom and equality

When it comes to being a part of our lives, Google knows it is a big influence. Google has taken pride in being a part of almost everything- from dominating the internet (mail, search, websites, blogs. Arguably, the internet is almost all of modern life nowadays), to dominating in innovation (mobile phones, google glass, self driving cars. and more). With this amount of power, there comes responsibility. Google is well p...
