Posts Tagged ‘Relationship’

How to Create Passionate, Long Lasting Relationships – With your Customers!

There is so much literature on customer relationship management that it is sometimes stifling to go through all the theory. What should be such a simple concept is often so over-analysed that many marketers grow a fear of it. This chapter will take the key ideas of CRM to simplify what is most important when dealing with customers. If I could choose another name for the chapter, I would name it “choose your customers.” I...

Seven things which drive us to purchase

The pleasure and pain principle is a theory that humans are driven primarily by a desire to avoid pain and obtain pleasure. If this is true, all our purchase decisions would be hinged on either giving some advantage in obtaining pleasure or alleviating pains. At the very least, we can definitively say that we buy products to solve problems: whether it be a refrigerator to prolong our food or luxury cuff-links to improve our...

Why social media IS important, but not THAT important

Social media has been heralded as the next big step for marketing, and is expected to forever change how marketing is conducted. While social media is important, one must realise that by nature marketers often exaggerate the impact of their ideas. While social media is important, it is not THAT important. In fact, it’s just an extension of what we already know and do in marketing. Social media describes any type of socia...
